Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I just finished Song of Solomon and was amazed how much i liked it. I have had this book in my house for the longest, but i never thought i would like it. What i learned from both my class discussion and reading is that Morrison can say very important writing it in a way that you have to think about it. I really loved her style of writing. Also really liked the way she intertwined  realism and magic.


My writing has been a little slow and to get back at a normal pace i have begun to wrap up up and end some unfinished parts to my story. Mainly the ending so far i am in the process of finishing the final ending where i chose to have Mills and Gab share this climax. For my other character Karen i am doing some editing to her ending, which i feel really good about. My intentions is to make my story is as real as possible.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reading Journal

I have started a new book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. This book is for my lit class and i have always been interested in the the story. I haven't gotten very far in this book but i am looking forward to reading an older book. I think it will help with building my vocabulary in a different way.

Writing Journal

Since the break i have made at least three new pieces. The chapters that i made are to build up to the climax they are helping me decide how i want things to end for my character. I've also come to the challenge of making my male character seem more masculine. I feel like i'm giving my characters all the same voice. My goal for this week is to go back to my James(Mills' Uncle) chapter and make him sound masculine. I want my audience t be able to tell the difference of my male characters and female characters.
Another issue i'm having is keeping up with editing. I really need to stay on top of that.