Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Writing Journal

My new piece is about Gab and i choose to go back i guess to fill in the gaps of earlier pieces. I wanted to produce some thing that showed more of the bond that i wish Gab and Mills to have. I also noticed that i have to make a couple chapter doing this to make their friendship more authentic, along with other characters. In my new piece I wanted to show the growth of their friendship and the struggle they have telling eachother secrets as close friends. I'm still revising this and plan on adding more deatils to the settings. Like his bedroom and their work place. I believe that adding these types of chapters will pull my story together.

Reading Journal

In the writing guide Bird by Bird i read the chapter that is dedicated to set design. In it it decribes the steps you can take to produce good setting for you characters. She said that it's a good to ask others about a what a room looks like for a supsicfic person if you can't think of one on your own. I think I will try her advice, but i'm not sure if i really how it will work out. She describes how a good setting can bring the background story to life.
I aslo have been reading short stories for my Lit class. The most recent stroy that I read  is "Where are we going, Where have you been?" by Joyce Carol. This story was very wierd. It takes place in the 70's during the summer time and this teenage girl Connie is enjoying her summer sneaking around with her friends. They go out at night to a local resturaunt where older teens hang out. Connie feels amazing when she out with her friends especially when guys give her the attention she wants. At the end of the night her dad come to pick her up from the mall thinking that she spent the whole night at the movies, and as a result she doesn't get in trouble. While out with her friends she see a strange guy in the car who catches her attention. This mysterious guy turns back up at her house when her parents are gone to a barbaque. He parks his car in her drive way and calls for her to take a ride with him. While at her porch door she is talking to the boy insisting that she doesnt know him, but he won't leave. He say's his name is Arnold Friend, and that he just want her to go with him. He tell her that he wants to love her and she should let him, but she doesn't come out the door. When they talk back and forth Connie relizes that things about a him seem very odd and unnatural. I come to the realization that he may not be a real person but some thing else. I think Arnold is a facade of all she wanted in a guy, but she fears him because it's too much mixed up in one.